Latest News
Latest announcements to be made on this. This is the official status from the Masjid team.As of 13 May 2021:
Assalaamu Alaikum,
The Rochdale Council of Mosques and Wifaqul Ulama announce that due to positive moon sightings the month of Ramadhan will end 29 days and the 1st of Shawwal 1442AH
Eid ul Fitr – will be on Thursday 13th May Inshaa Allah
A reminder that Eid will be perform indoors and not at Springfield Park. You can see the prayer times below:
Central Masjid1st Jama’at at 5.30am
2nd Jama’at at 7.30am
3rd Jama’at at 9.00am
(Women allowed in 3rd Jamaat)
Darul Ilm
1st Jama’at at 8.00am
2nd Jama’at at 9.00am
Ashfield Road Islamic Centre
1st Jama’at 8.30am
Current Covid measures will apply at all venues. For details please check our website.
May Allah SWT accept everyone’s efforts throughout this blessed month
Click here Pay Fitranah online
As of 12 April 2021:
Assalaamu Alaikum,
The Rochdale Council of Mosques and Wifaqul Ulama announce that due to negative moon sightings the month of Sha’ban will complete 30 days and the 1st of Ramadhan 1442 will be on Wednesday 14th April 2021 Inshaa Allah.
This year Taraweeh will take place in four locations to help with social distancing:
- Castlemere Community Centre (without masks) – 5 minutes after Isha starting time
- Darul Ilm – 9:30pm
- Ashfield Road Education Centre – 9:30pm
- Central Mosque Rochdale – 9:40pm
Please respect and follow the instructions given by all volunteers
May Allah SWT accept everyone’s efforts and allow us to make the most of this blessed month