Welcome to Central Masjid Rochdale Website and Digital Platform.
Deep dive into our archives and further your understanding of Islam. Keep up to date with the latest advice, guidance, announcements, and information from the Masjid.
Never miss a prayer or key moments with our Real-Time Daily Prayer Timetable, Ramadhan, and Eid updates.
Find out the latest information about the Nuqtah Education Program by CMR including the new Maktab, Sermons, community projects, workshops, and charity drives.
We also provide a complete Funeral and Bereavement Service to offer assistance and guidance during the difficult time of losing a loved one.
Looking to get married? We provide a Nikah service, which can be booked online.
Head over to our Audio Library to browse through our collection of talks, Quran recitation, and Nasheeds.
Take a tour through our Gallery to see where it all began.
Check out the FAQ’s, visit the Sister’s Section, or Ask Imaam Service.